With the increasing rate of population http://www.nflteameaglesshop.com/chris-long-jersey/ , the needs are also increased, people are more concern towards their future and not taking care of their present. We all are hearing a lot of problems regrading health and fitness, Nearly 30 percent of global population are dying because of health problems. Today's major problem of health is - “OBESITY”.
Obesity means having to much of fat body, it means that your body get swallow, due to extra fat, that also increased your health related problems. Obesity is a medicinal condition in which abundance body fat gets accumulated to the degree that it may have a negative impact on health, prompting lessened future and expanded wellbeing issues. Obesity is not similar to that of overweight. Overweight is slight different from obesity http://www.nflteameaglesshop.com/chance-warmack-jersey/ , it concern towards weight that exceeds to the normal weight according to the age.
According to the recent survey obesity is responsible to nearly 6 lacks of cancer cases worldwide, obesity cancer includes colon, rectum, ovary and womb cancers. Survey also says that women are at greater risk towards obesity in compare to that of men.
This is the time that people have to think about the diet they include, the developed countries are the vary responsible for the food that they produce are eaten by our vast population. These food are the sticky food that stick to your diet, and you take on regular basis, and when you do that on regular basis you get your result in terms of Obesity.
These are the things that feed Obesity:
Overuse of antibiotics in food production and medicine Growth of enhanced drugs in food animals Disrupting chemicals http://www.nflteameaglesshop.com/carson-wentz-jersey/ , that also includes pesticides Artificial sweeteners Harmful Junk Food
Obesity also increase the chances of other diseases such as heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoarthirities, sleep apnea and many other acute diseases. Obesity caused due to excessive use of junk foods, lack of physical exercise, genetic problems http://www.nflteameaglesshop.com/caleb-sturgis-jersey/ , sometimes the cases are different like it also caused by endocrine diseases, genes, psychiatric sickness.
Difficulties due to obesity includes:
Breathing problems Can't bend your body properly Heart Diseases Premature death is more likely Back Pain Kidney stones Most common – depression